What is a Webhook Response?
A webhook response is a piece of code, you can send via a webhook to create a message within the Bot Platform. Every one of the tutorials on this site uses at least one type of webhook response.
You can use a webhook response in any middleware platform.
When we use a webhook within a bot, information is passed from The Bot Platform, to the webhook, which can then be interpreted using a middleware platform and a response returned.
What Information is passed from The Bot Platform?
Here is an example of the information passed from to a webhook from The Bot Platform:
"version": "1.0",
"timestamp": 1607034750567,
"item": {},
"fbuser": {
"fbid": "FBID_no",
"first_name": "Robert",
"last_name": "Jackson",
"profile_pic": "https://platform-lookaside.fbsbx.com/platform/profilepic/?asid=458173168105351&height=50&width=50&ext=1609626738&hash=AeQmecOAELwNLTnIGQs",
"locale": "en_GB",
"timezone": null,
"gender": null,
"message_count": 21,
"last_message": 1607034744163,
"last_user_interaction": "1607034738581",
"opted_in": "0",
"gdpr_consent_opted_in": "1",
"state": {
"messages": {},
"vars": {
"$Integrationsearch": "Hootsuite",
"$$tutorialsearch": "Review submitting"
"expect": {
"variable_name": "$Integrationsearch",
"response_id": "@BP:MESSAGE:100243",
"filters": {}
"department": "Sales",
"title": "Director of Business Development",
"email": "[email protected]",
"external_id": "102057372305799",
"link": "https://tbp.facebook.com/app_scoped_user_id/YXNpZADpBWEhhcUE2MFJfSkt4ZA2s4MHpvTlM3eWoyT2s1Ykpha2o3aW1Dd21PTkdrUEZA2XzRCc3FBNzduZAXZAab0tFSzNkTnVYWGtIWl9RMDZAWVGl6em9xX3ZArM0g0ZAWNXbTdjN1BxUHFiX2lkQjBQWS1ERm53/"
Updated 12 months ago
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